"Communique on Sovereign State of Sabah in Dire
Condition of the Worst Floods"
October 10th, 2014.
IOC Movement.
We, the IOC Movement, will invoke God's Mercy upon Sabah and
Sabahan. What a great tribulation that a Great Nation like Sovereign State of
Sabah have to endures. The loose of properties and unevaluated damages is still
did not counted , the provision to help Sabahan is still not delegated, most of
the Sabahan victims are still not allocated to the proper place into the higher
ground, and we hope that there is no life lost during this unfortunate Floods
in Sabah.
We are yet to know how the miseries of Sabahan facing this Floods, O how about a clean drinks and supply of foods will affect my brothers and sisters Sabahan right now in the Area drown by floods. Have you my brothers and sisters have your children feed? Have they stop walking to school because of this floods. We are very anxious and eager to hear plead of mercy from you, so that we know that you are still alright and alive, we really need to hear from you. Then, we could storm even the whole world with the Most Holy Rosary along with our Special Prayer composed to be prayed daily starting today:
We are yet to know how the miseries of Sabahan facing this Floods, O how about a clean drinks and supply of foods will affect my brothers and sisters Sabahan right now in the Area drown by floods. Have you my brothers and sisters have your children feed? Have they stop walking to school because of this floods. We are very anxious and eager to hear plead of mercy from you, so that we know that you are still alright and alive, we really need to hear from you. Then, we could storm even the whole world with the Most Holy Rosary along with our Special Prayer composed to be prayed daily starting today:
(Bahasa Indonesia/Bahasa Melayu)
[Kyrie, eleison.
Christe, eleison.
Kyrie, eleison.
Ya Allah, Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa dan Kekal, Engkau Maha
Pemurah dan Maha Pemelihara hidup kami semua. Engkau menciptakan air dan hujan untuk
menyuburkan bumi, dan melaluinya juga Engkau menurunkan musibah dan peringatan
untuk kami agar sentiasa memelihara hukum dan perintahMu.
Ya Yesus Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih, melalui air juga Engkau
melimpahkan rahmat Keselamatan melalui pembaptisan dan melalui wafatMu juga,
Engkau menyucikan tubuh dan jiwa kami setiap kali kami menerimaMu dalam
Ekaristi Maha Kudus. Engkau curahkanlah juga Roh KudusMu agar kami teguh dalam
iman dan mohon belas kasihanMu, supaya kami akan lebih mengasihani kepada sesama lalu melakukannya di
Negara Sabah dengan bercucuran air mata mencintai Misa Kudus Sepanjang segala Zaman(Misa Latin Tradisional); Misa KudusMu bagi rencana Karya Penyelamatan
yang ingin kami letakkan kembali di Negara Sabah seperti para Misionaris
Pertama di Borneo telah doakan dan rayakan.
Hentikanlah awan-awan yang Engkau gerakkan buat sesuatu masa bagi
bencana banjir di Sabah surut, lalu kami berjanji bahwa kami akan mengasihaniMu
lebih dari sebelumnya terutama sekali dalam menjalankan perintahMu dan
KehendakMu terutama.
Dalam doa kami yang tak selayaknya namun penuh pengharapan
ini, kami memohon belas kasihanMu buat semua anak-anakMu yang tertimpa bencana
kerana bencana banjir di tanah tumpah darah kami ini iaitu Negara Sabah di
Kepulauan Borneo. Kiranya melalui kasihMu yang kekal abadi itu, semoga bencana
ini berlalu dan dengan kuasaMu, pulihkanlah kembali segalanya yang terjejas
kerana banjir ini.
Engkau berjanji, setiap kali Engkau melihat busurMu di
langit, Engkau akan mengingat perjanjianMu untuk tidak lagi memusnahkan bumi
ini dengan tenggelamnya seluruh daratan dan semua kehidupan. Wahai Tuhan, whai
Maha Pengasih, ingatlah akan kasihMu kepada hamba leluhur kami dan ingatlah
akan iman GerejaMu yang tunggal; Gereja Katolik, yang senantiasa berusaha memelihara perintah
Semoga dengan perantaraan Bonda Maria, Ratu Syurgawi,
perantaraan para Bapa Leluhur kami Nuh, Abraham, Ishak dan Yakub, berserta para
Kudus dan para malaikat, Engkau sudi mendengarkan dan mengabulkan doa kami ke atas saudara saudari Sabahan di Negara
Dan bersama dengan putera-puteriMu dari segala zaman, kami mahu
mengulangi doa yang Engkau telah ajarkan kepada kami.
(Bapa kami di dalam syurga...)
Kami mohon semua ini, dengan perantaraan nama Terkudus
PuteraMu, Tuhan Yesus Kristus, yang hidup dan bertakhta dengan Dikau dan Roh
Kudus, satu Allah, sepanjang segala masa. Amin.]
~Doa Khas bagi seluruh rakyat Sabah yang ditimpa Banjir
teruk- 10hb Oktober 2014.
IOC Movement is declaring fasting from today; October 10th,
2014 until October 26th, 2014(Sunday of Solemnity of Christ the
King). This is to be done in a good will voluntarily, as it is on behalf of our
effected brothers and sisters Sabahan there.
We, the IOC Movement, declaring Public Prayer of the Holy
Rosary for all souls in All Sabah right now, all along this October as the Month
of the Most Holy Rosary, may they find their missing relatives(if any) during
this floods and try to give foods to their beloved ones.
O God, bless all of the charity workers there and donators all around the world so that they will be more generous and more in strength; to be our hands and feet, in this devastated area in Sabah. May Your Only Church; the Catholic Church, will shelter them and provides aid to all of them in there.
O God, bless all of the charity workers there and donators all around the world so that they will be more generous and more in strength; to be our hands and feet, in this devastated area in Sabah. May Your Only Church; the Catholic Church, will shelter them and provides aid to all of them in there.
May our Mother; Blessed Virgin Mary intercedes for our cause
and our Communique so that it will reach all other souls to be generously
helping our brothers and sisters Sabahan right now.
Sincerely from our heartiest heart,
(From us the IOC Movement Administrators Board members
on behalf of all the members of IOC Movement and our family
and friends):
Hailey Thomas Goitom of Diocese of Sandakan and Diocese of
Keningau, Sabah.
Department of Law, Department of Vocation and Devotion,
IOC Movement.
Joel O'neil of Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Department of Vocation and Devotion,
Department of Special Holy Mission,
IOC Movement.
Shurl Yabi of Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu and Diocese of
Keningau, Sabah.
Department of Law,
Department of Special Holy Mission,
IOC Movement.
John Paul J. Nicholas of Diocese of Sibu, Sarawak, and
Diocese of Miri-Apostolic Vicariate Brunei.
IOC Movement Supervisor,
Department of Law,
Department of Inquisition,
Department of Special Holy Mission,
IOC Movement.
Contact us the IOC Movement at :
i) IOC Movement Official Blog.
ii) IOC Movement Official Facebook.