Friday 25 July 2014

Official Declaration and Decree regarding extension of the validity date for the Campaign to Promote Traditional Latin Mass in Sabah and Sarawak (Borneo) entitled "Instaurare Omnia in Christo"

Official Declaration and Decree regarding extension of the validity date for the Campaign to Promote Traditional Latin Mass in Sabah and Sarawak (Borneo).
Instaurare Omnia in Christo
25th of July 2014
Prepared by the Office of IOC Movement Supervisor
Instaurare Omnia in Christo(IOC) Movement.

Hesed(Mercy) we(and) shalom(Peace),
In memory of our brothers and sisters holy martyrs who has shed their bloods for sake of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church.

Today, right on the 54th Anniversary of His Holiness Pope John XXIII issued the Motu Proprio(Of his own accord) entitled "Rubricarum Instructum" in conjunction with the Feast of St.James; the Holy Apostle, 2 days before the 7th Day after the Solemn Blessed Pentecost Sunday, and the 25th Day of the Holy Month of the Most Precious Holy Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
that we; the Instaurare Omnia in Christo(IOC) Movement declare and decree that this holy mission entitled "Instaurare Omnia in Christo" will start from today 25th of July 2014 and ended on the next 25th of July 2021.

However, unworthy me on behalf of IOC Movement, and every Catholics in Sovereign State of Sabah and Sovereign State of Sarawak, in due respect to the "Holy Mass of All Ages", the only form of the Holy Mass that the group of first proto-disciple of Borneo in Mount Singai, Rejang River Area, Labuan Island and Tawau has celebrated during the reign of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII(2 March 1810 – 20 July 1903), the Holy Mass that Pope St.Pius V has decreed solemnly issued Papal Bull of Apostolic Constitution entitled Quo Primum on July 14th, 1570, and then up to the same and only Holy Mass that celebrated by the Second Vatican Council(1962-1965) after Rubricarum Instructum took effect on 1st of January 1961, that this holy Mission shall be continued without a need for further extension of the validity date after July 25th, 2021 and it will be for all ages be it nobody left to offer it and be it no longer there is Catholics exist on earth.

Unworthy me as the Supervisor of IOC Movement on behalf of generous and kind heart Catholics all around the world including those who is continuously persecuted and brutally killed in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, and throughout all part of the world, inviting all of you O our brothers and sisters to pray the Holy Rosary starting today 25th of July 2014 until the 1st of August 2014, fasting and abstinence, truly repent for every sins especially in Catholic Family and Catholic Marriage, giving charitable alms, cloth the naked and humiliated, 'cloth' the sinners with immeasurable forgiveness, cleanse those who has betrayed you and filthy in sinning against you by atone on behalf of them although they keep sinning and not yet repent as if their death is near, bring water to the thirst, giving shelter to those who is expelled from their homes and their nations, defend the people facing injustice, save all souls towards our Lord Jesus Christ and His Only One Holy Apostolic Church; the Holy Catholic Church. Unworthy me issued this Declaration and Decree today as if there is no tomorrow for unworthy me.

O Catholics, love your Jealous God wholeheartedly, restore to the rightful place this Holy Mass of All Ages; the Traditional Latin Mass, as if you are taking a glimpse while your eyes in tears of sorrow seeing your father's tired skin and your mother's weak lips when they have died and that is the last moment you will see them again before they are buried.

O Catholics, love your Holy Mother Church truthfully, spread this New Evangelization using Traditional Latin Mass, as if you will never see your spouse or your children anymore the next day in the morning.

O Catholics, love your Holy Catholic Faith; the only One True Faith zealously, as if that is the day where tomorrow will never come. Treat her(the Catholic Faith) as if she is the last means of your Salvation; as if that you will unable to fully compensate and grievously regret every little sins that striking your neighbours and every people you entrusted your love very much.

The sign of Jonah has appeared right in front of our eyes, the Suffering Death and Glorious Resurrection is overshadowing our very eyes; as if we are an evil and adulterous generation seeketh a sign(St. Matthew 12:39) and we are a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign(St. Matthew 16:4).
O how Jealous and Boundless is the Charitable-Love(a'havah) of our Almighty Lord God; who is God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jonah, Moses, and all of our forefathers of Faith, He who is the God of Exodus and God of Resurrection and Final Judgement, for He has lowered Himself became true Man in Lord Jesus Christ, He is the God that appeared to Blessed Virgin Mary in her virgin womb and her Immaculate body and life, and He is the same God that has given Holy Call to the proto-Apostle; St.Andrew; the brother of St.Peter the Prince of Holy Apostle, He is the One that truly presence in the Most Holy Eucharist; in every single of particle of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Holy Mass be it in a large particle into the smallest particle of the Holiest 'Dust'; for He is truly presence in Holy Body, Holy Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

Until the very East of Borneo Island, until the edge of very West of Borneo Island will celebrate and giving a rightful place of restoration to the Traditional Latin Mass; the Mass of All Ages, until one of the holy Mount of God in Borneo; Mount Singai, and until a very Island of Labuan embraces her Rubrics and her profound Sacred History in the First Evangelization of Sovereign State of North Borneo(Sabah) and Sovereign State of Sarawak, that we believe that the Holy Mother Church will supplies her Ecclesia Supplet indiscriminately and her only Groom's Deus Providet to all those Catholics desiring a celebration of Traditional Latin Mass in every Dioceses and parishes throughout Sabah and Sarawak in Borneo; all Catholic priests and laity.

If there is no Catholics left to love and desire Traditional Latin Mass, then let God chastise us through the sign of Jonah where we will be called into fasting and repentance; without us truly know what is our very sins. Let Him call out from the womb a future holy and saintly Catholic Bishop(s) and Catholic priest(s) not from the womb from Catholic Family and Catholic Marriage but from those who even did not know anything about His Divine Law and His Catholic Faith, such is the fury of Anger of our Lord God in His Jealous Charitable-Love to chastise our arrogance. Let Him call the blind and those who is innocent in mind and yet they are not even know of Him in the Catholic Church and existence of His Catholic Church as the very necessity for Salvation, so that He could ask for the restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass in His Holy Catholic Church right in front of their(those not yet Catholics) eyes and directly towards their very ears during the meeting of them with Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament, such is the Jealous Charitable-Love of the Lord God.

Hear O brothers and sisters,
We need God and His Catholic Church desperately but our Almighty and Ever Living God did not desperate to force us; His mere creation, to love and need Him.

If all Heaven is empty of us after the last holy Apostles, Disciples and Martyrs have entered Heaven, His Might and Splendor will not reduce even a bit.

We call out every Catholics,
Let us pray, let us fasting and let us repent like the people of Nineveh.

Signed and approved by:
John Paul J. Nick
IOC Movement.

i) Codex Rubricarum

ii) Liturgical Calendar according to Roman Missal 1962 Edition.

iii) The Sign of Jonah

Tuesday 22 July 2014

A Letter of Greeting and Celebration on the 51st Anniversary of Independence Day of Sovereign State of Sarawak(July 22nd, 1963-2014) and Decree of the Official Slogan/Motto of IOC Movement as "Looking towards Rome from Kuching and Kota Kinabalu".

A Letter of Greeting and Celebration on the 51st Anniversary of Independence Day of Sovereign State of Sarawak(July 22nd, 1963-2014) and Decree of the Official Slogan/Motto of IOC Movement as "Looking towards Rome from Kuching and Kota Kinabalu".

Hesed we shalom,
Brothers and sisters.

Today(22th of July 2014) we, the Instaurare Omnia in Christo(IOC) Movement, celebrating the celebration of the 51st Anniversary of Independence Day of Sovereign State of Sarawak(July 22nd, 1963-2014). On this day as well, after unworthy me went for Mount Singai the "Roman Catholicism and Traditional Latin Mass Heritage Site" took a decision on top of that holy Mount; the Mount Singai, to lengthen the valid date of the [Campaign to Promote Traditional Latin Mass in Sabah and Sarawak (Borneo) : "Instaurare Omnia in Christo"] on this coming July 25th, 2014.

On behalf of IOC Movement, unworthy me wish this very Nation to whom our lips kiss her soil and in here that unworthy me urge every Catholics to be faithful and loyal to their Nation; a Homeland and Motherland of their ancestors.

Sovereign State of Sarawak is one of a Borneo States after Sovereign State of Sabah(formely known as North Borneo), and the Sovereign State of Brunei. Recognized as a Sovereign State by United States of America(US) in 1850 and then Britain in 1863.

With Kuching as her Capital City and Catholics live in peace and harmony. Unworthy me knew that all of us in here are not blind not to know about the situation of Christians in Syria, Iraq and Nigeria and all around the world where they are treated badly and abused to the point of their martyrdom. From that, we; the IOC Movement, reminds all Catholics to be zealous and not taking it for granted in our responsibility to safeguard the Dignity and Sovereignty of our Motherland. No man born outside of the womb of a woman and it is as well with our Motherland that her loyal citizen could not born without her.

On this auspicious day, unworthy me would like to take this opportunity after more than 1 year of considering our Official Slogan/Motto, to decree that "Looking towards Rome from Kuching and Kota Kinabalu" is this Virtual Organization's Official Motto. "Kuching" is the representative of all Archdioceses and Dioceses in Sarawak and "Kota Kinabalu" is for Sabah's Archdiocese and Diocese, meanwhile "Rome" in this Official Slogan is connoted the Catholic Church. This Official Slogan is to call out every single Catholics in Sabah and Sarawak to think with the Catholic Church fully, to live our One True Faith; the Catholic Faith, sincerely and wholeheartedly, and to embrace our Lord Jesus Christ with Traditional Latin Mass making her return to every Dioceses and parishes in Sabah and Sarawak.

No Catholics in Sabah and Sarawak is to be excused to be called into motion to love and uphold the Holy Tradition, Holy Scriptures and Holy Magisterium of the Catholic Church by being truly obedience to the Authority of Papal Bull of the Apostolic Constitution; Quo Primum, and motu proprio; Summorum Pontificum. It is also a non-compromise obedience of Sarawakian to be loyal to their Motherland; the Sovereign State of Sarawak.

IOC Movement wish and greets all of Sarawakian and Catholics who is living freely in Sovereign State of Sarawak with our prayers and conviction that may the Most Holy Trinity; One God, will preserve all of you from any harm and danger, and then additionally increase your zeal in defending your Motherland's Dignity and Sovereignty.

Have a Blessed 51st Anniversary of Independence Day of Sovereign State of Sarawak(July 22nd, 1963-2014) to all Sarawakian.

Signed and approved by:
John Paul J. Nick.
IOC Movement.

Sunday 20 July 2014

A Prayer For All Who Were Perished In The MH17 Tragedy

A Prayer For All Who Were Perished In The MH17 Tragedy

+ In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. 

Kyrie, eleison.
Kyrie, eleison.

Christe, eleison.
Christe, eleison.

Kyrie, eleison.
Kyrie, eleison.

O Lord, Almighty Father, Eternal God, You who Alone are the Saviour. You Alone are the Source of Love. You Alone are the Most Just.

Hear our prayer that we are bringing up to You. To You alone do we place all our hope for salvation and refuge.

Have mercy on all who were perished in the recent MH17 tragedy, especially to the souls of those who acknowledged You as their Saviour. Give consolations to their family who are in great grief during this time.

We humbly ask You, Father, should their souls suffer in Purgatory, by the merits of Your Son's Most Sacred Heart, give them a haste release from there and unite them forever in Your divine Beatific Vision, together with the Blessed Virgin Mary, all the Angels and Saints, where they will praise You for eternity.

O Mary, conceived without sins, pray for all the souls who were perished in the recent tragedy, especially for those who embraced the faith of your Son's saving Love. Through your Immaculate Heart, may the roses of your love guides them to eternal heaven.

O glorious Joseph, pray for them.
St. Michael, pray for them.
St. Gabriel, pray for them.
St. Raphael, pray for them.

Together with all the faithful from all ages, we dare to say the prayers that Your Son had taught us.

Pater Noster, qui es in caelis,
Sanctificetur Nomen Tuum.
Adveniat Regnum Tuum.
Fiat voluntas Tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debitta nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libera nos a malo. 


By the merits of Our Most Blessed Mother, we ask her intercession.

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus.

Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

All glory, honour and praise be to You, Almighty God.

(Profound bow) Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. 

V: Requiem aeternam, dona eis, Domine.
R: Et lux perpetua luceat eis. 
V: Et requiescant in pace. 
R: Amen.

+ In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. 

For private use only.

Personally prepared by,
Hailey Goitom.
IOC Movement. 

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Declaration to declare Mount Singai at Bau, State of Sarawak in Borneo as one of the "Roman Catholicism and Traditional Latin Mass Heritage Site" entitled "In Memoriam Aeternam".

Declaration to declare Mount Singai at Bau, State of Sarawak in Borneo as one of the "Roman Catholicism and Traditional Latin Mass Heritage Site".
"In Memoriam Aeternam".
16th July 2014
Office of the Supervisor.
Instaurare Omnia in Christo(IOC) Movement.

Today on 16th of July 2014 is the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, according to the Liturgical Calendar of 1962 Missal of Bl. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, and this Feast has fallen on Wednesday on this Year 2014 and the 16th day of the Month of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We; the IOC Movement, are celebrating this Feast of Mount Carmel by declaring solemnly to the whole world that today Mount Singai at Bau, State of Sarawak in Borneo is one of forever memory of the prove and evidence of the Evangelization and zealous struggles of those who is to be the first one to receive the Lord Jesus Christ and His Only Church; the Catholic Church.

Part 1: Our Traditional Latin Mass/Tridentine Mass is the Mass of All Ages.
Fallen asleep has our brothers and sisters who is the first people that is to be the one that heard a Calling from the Lord Jesus Christ to be among the thousands of thousands holy disciples like St. Andrew the Holy Apostle; brother of St.Peter Prince of the Apostles, and St.Paul The Holy Apostle.
Traditional Latin Mass/Tridentine Mass or in the Language of the motu proprio issued by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI during his reign in Year 2007 as Extraordinary Form, has been celebrated from the very beginning of North Borneo(Sabah) and Sarawak has first received the Catholic Faith through Roman Catholic Church.

Traditional Latin Mass is the only usage or form of the Latin rite that has been celebrated by all of them who is the Confessor of Faith of this very Island of Borneo(Sabah and Sarawak only; as the first people that received the Catholic Faith is perhaps in Banjarmasin, Kalimantan, Borneo, in the Year 1690) of about from 150 years in the past until the advent of the Holy Mass of Roman Missal 1969 Edition or also called as Ordinary Form in that same motu proprio Summorum Pontifcum whose 7th Anniversary is last few days on 7th of July 2014.

[The first Catholic missionary to begin work in North Borneo(now Sabah) was Fr. Cuarteron, a Spaniard who was once a pirate. When he was shipwrecked off Labuan, he made a vow that if he was saved from drowning, he would become a missionary priest. Fr.Cuarteron fulfilled that vow and was ordained priest in 1854.Fr. Cuarteron was posted to Labuan in 1857.It was Fr. Cuarteron who had earlier asked the Church authorities in Rome to send Catholic priests to Borneo.

Among the first group of Mill Hill Fathers who arrived in Sarawak in 1881 were Rev. Edmund Dunn,Rev. Daniel Kilty, Rev. Aloysius Goosens and Rev. Thomas Jackson.]
~Extracted from "100 Years in Sarawak Celebration of Archdiocese of Kuching 1981."

[Felix John Mary Westerwoudt was born in Amsterdam on 14th March 1861. He was the third of eight children, the youngest of whom became a nun. As a boy he was interested in outdoor life and carpentry. He was hot-tempered. From age 7 to 13 years Felix entered a private school for Catholic boys. He was elected by his school mates to present a token of homage to King William 11 on the occasion of the King’s Silver Jubilee in 1847.

Felix discovered a vocation to be a priest even at an early age of eleven and his mother was thrilled upon hearing it. In 1876, Felix entered the Diocesan Preparatory Seminary near Leiden (Holland). His fellow students always found him friendly and jovial. In 1883 at the age of 22 years, Felix entered St. Joseph’s College, Mill Hill. He became a Sub-deacon in 1884. Felix was ordained Deacon in 1885 and Priest a day later.

Rev. Felix Westerwoudt and his fellow seminarian Rev. Albert Reyffert sailed from Trieste on October 1st, 1885. They arrived in Kuching on November 15th of the same year. As it was Sunday, there were no priests to welcome them because of Church services. The newly arrivals remained in Kuching until after Christmas. After meeting with their Superior Rev. Thomas Jackson, Fr. Westerwoudt departed for Singai and Fr. Reyffert sailed for Kanowit.]
~Extracted from "Felix Westerwoudt Missioner in Borneo by E.v.R.WW "

Traditional Latin Mass is the Mass of All Ages, without this Form of the Holy Mass, how would Catholic Church in Sabah and Sarawak could trace back her past and eternal glory of History to link with those that has gone to their rest; a very people that truly and zealously hear the Lord's Voice?
Traditional Latin Mass is preserved from all harm and danger from being suppressed and many of the Popes and Bishops from the Year 1570 has celebrated this Mass of All Ages with full of zeal toward of the Lord Jesus Christ by reverently celebrating this Tridentine Mass and subsequently lifted up for eternity to be used with no restriction and no doubt once again in a time of the Second Vatican Council when His Holiness Pope John XXIII has promulgated a Roman Missal 1962 Edition by adding the name of "St.Joseph" into the prayer in the Order of the Roman Missal.

[Marilah semua dari seluruh tempat menggunakan dan merayakan apa yang telah diperturunkan oleh Gereja Roma yang Kudus, Bunda dan Guru segala Gereja, dan janganlah kiranya Misa-misa ini didaraskan atau dibacakan dengan rumus lain, melainkan hanya dengan apa yang Kami telah terbitkan dalam Missale ini. Perintah ini digunapakai, sekarang dan sepanjang segala masa, di semua tempat dalam dunia Kristian, yakni kepada semua patriak, katedral-katedral gereja, kolegiat dan gereja paroki, tanpa mengira sama ada ianya sekular atau religius lelaki dan perempuan – biarpun dalam ordo militan – gereja-gereja serta kapela-kapela di mana Misa konventual (Misa bersama para Religius) didaraskan atau dibaca secara peribadi menurut ritus dan kebiasaan Gereja Roma. Missale ini akan digunakan oleh semua gereja, biarpun gereja tersebut menerima pengecualian melalui Indulto Apostolik (Kebenaran Khas Apostolik), kebiasaan setempat, keistimewaan, sumpah atau pengesahan rasmi Takhta Suci, atau gereja yang mempunyai hak dan bidang kuasa yang dijaminkan kepada mereka dengan apa juga cara sekalipun.]
~Quo Primum Translation in Bahasa Indonesia/Bahasa Malaysia(for the uses of IOC Movement only) Paragraph 4.

Part 2: Mount Singai as the "Roman Catholicism and Traditional Latin Mass Heritage Site".
Mount Singai has been declared by the Archdiocese of Kuching as Catholic Memorial Pilgrimage Centre(CMPC) in accordance to its Historical Value that exceed our expectation. However, today, we would like to declare and reserve Mount Singai as one of the Heritage Site for the evidence of Roman Catholicism Evangelization and the Eternal celebration of Traditional Latin Mass.

That is why, we ask humbly from the Most Holy Trinity; One God, so that He will mercifully accept our utmost desire in consecrating Mount Singai under the protection of our Blessed Mother; Blessed Virgin Mary Our Lady of Mount Carmel, so that every living Catholics all around the world will not easily forget the past memory of those who has been loving and imploring our Lord Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church fully.

Traditional Latin Mass should be resumed to be celebrated in Sabah and Sarawak so that we could be in communion with all those saints who has going through numerous hardship, painful struggles, and rejection in the past when Catholicism has just started to give the Light of Truth to all people that still do not know about our Holy Catholic Faith and His Holy Bride; the Catholic Church.

O how the Lord Jesus Christ loves His Catholic Church so much until He has shed His Most Holy Blood on the dust of the earth. Remember ye humans that from dust you came and from dust you will come back, and only your soul will be risen from the dead for the Final Judgement.

We could not despise this truth about Traditional Latin Mass to be celebrated in each Archdioceses and Dioceses in Sabah and Sarawak;

State of Sarawak:
Kuching Archdiocese.
His Grace Most Reverend Archbishop John Ha.

Sibu Diocese.
His Lordship Right Reverend Bishop Joseph Hii.

Miri Diocese.
His Excellency Right Reverend Bishop Richard Ng.

State of Sabah(formerly called North Borneo):
Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese.
His Grace Most Reverend Archbishop John Wong.

Keningau Diocese.
His Lordship Right Reverend Bishop Cornelius Piong.

Sandakan Diocese.
His Excellency Right Reverend Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom.

We send up the names of local Archbishops and Bishops of those Archdioceses and Dioceses in Sabah and Sarawak to our Most Merciful and Most Compassionate God so that they might celebrate and directing all priest in every parishes to celebrate as well Traditional Latin Mass in
every Cathedrals, Churches, and Chapels.

Let us all pray for this declaration of Mount Singai as one the revered site as one of "Roman Catholicism and Traditional Latin Mass Heritage Site" in eternal memory of those who has live their Catholic Faith for sake of His Holy Catholic Church that we could see still standing until to this very day.

From this, we; the IOC Movement, launching our Declaration to declare Mount Singai at Bau, State of Sarawak in Borneo as one of the "Roman Catholicism and Traditional Latin Mass Heritage Site". entitled “In Memoriam Aeternam” and by then calling all of our friends and family to have a Devotion and Prayers for those first and previous generation that we know as “Confessor Fidei” starting today, July 16th,2014 until July 31st, 2014.

O my brethren, devote all this days for a devotions and prayers for our "Confessor Fidei" on which we call them as ancestors, forefathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, the proto-disciples of Borneo, beloved fathers and mothers to all those people of Sabah and Sarawak that still did not enter the Catholic Church even though some knowing that she is the only and necessary Door of Faith in order to be saved and obtained Salvation. For all of this, we ask sincerely from Blessed Virgin Mary our Mother and Mother of proto-disciples of Borneo, to intercede for us all and those who will crying when they finally embracing the Lord Jesus Christ by coming back or entering our timeless Catholic Church.

Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat! Amen.

i) Papal Bull Apostolic Constitution Quo Primum Translation in English.

ii) Apostolic Constitution "Missale Romanum" On New Roman Missal

iii) Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum in English.

iv) Traditional Latin Mass or Tridentine Mass of Roman Missal 1962 Edition

v) Felix Westerwoudt Missioner in Borneo by E.v.R.WW

vi) 100 Years in Sarawak Celebration of Archdiocese of Kuching 1981.

vii) Mr. Vincent Eddy ak Sireng, Manager of Catholic Memorial Pilgrimage Centre(CMPC) and Chairman of St Stephen's Parish, Bau.
Contact no.: 013-8188685

Tuesday 15 July 2014

First Day(15th July 2014) of Invitation into Fasting and Penance by IOC Movement- Phase I: Veni Creator Spiritus; Invoking the Holy Ghost.

Today is the 15th day of Month of the Most Precious Holy Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the First Day of Fasting and Penance for the released of the Quo Primum Translation in Bahasa Indonesia/Bahasa Malaysia for the uses of IOC Movement only.

Let us pray to the Most Holy Trinity; One God, so that the Holy Ghost will enthrone upon our Holy Mission in Borneo. Therefore, let us chant or pray the "Veni Creator Spiritus" to invoke the help and consent of the Holy Ghost upon our decision and steps in this Holy Mission.

Failed has our sinful life trying to make us fall into the abyss of Sheol(Hell) and we know that the devil will tempting us again by tomorrow and the days following. We seek refuge in Your Divine Protection O Lord God and bless Your Only Church; Catholic Church, with more religious and priesthood Vocation by instill Traditional Latin Mass and zeal towards Catholic Faith. Anger no more towards our sins O Lord God, for You are All Merciful and Ever Living God. Make haste O Lord in our agony to call for Your Comfort so that we accept death rather than accepting heresies and sins that will crying war against You.

Lord Jesus Christ, we know that some of us will leave us alone in our Causes but grant us O Lord a people that is really doesn't know You at all or never ever taste Your Catholic Faith and then make them like Saulus to be St.Paul. So that, our own brethren that leaving us to die or living in exile, will be ashamed for as long as insincere Act of Contrition still being made by our 'Cain' brothers and sisters. Let our cry in the middle of the field like Abel's voice of blood will be once again heard by You.

Veni Creator Spritus.

[ (Latin)
Veni, Creator Spiritus,
mentes tuorum visita,
imple superna gratia
quae tu creasti pectora.

Qui diceris Paraclitus,
altissimi donum Dei,
fons vivus, ignis, caritas,
et spiritalis unctio.

Tu, septiformis munere,
digitus paternae dexterae,
Tu rite promissum Patris,
sermone ditans guttura.

Accende lumen sensibus:
infunde amorem cordibus:
infirma nostri corporis
virtute firmans perpeti.

Hostem repellas longius,
pacemque dones protinus:
ductore sic te praevio
vitemus omne noxium.

Per te sciamus da Patrem,
noscamus atque Filium;

Teque utriusque Spiritum
credamus omni tempore.

Deo Patri sit gloria,
et Filio, qui a mortuis
surrexit, ac Paraclito,
in saeculorum saecula.


Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest,
and in our souls take up Thy rest;
come with Thy grace and heavenly aid
to fill the hearts which Thou hast made.

O comforter, to Thee we cry,
O heavenly gift of God Most High,
O fount of life and fire of love,
and sweet anointing from above.

Thou in Thy sevenfold gifts are known;
Thou, finger of God's hand we own;
Thou, promise of the Father, Thou
Who dost the tongue with power imbue.

Kindle our sense from above,
and make our hearts o'erflow with love;
with patience firm and virtue high
the weakness of our flesh supply.

Far from us drive the foe we dread,
and grant us Thy peace instead;
so shall we not, with Thee for guide,
turn from the path of life aside.

Oh, may Thy grace on us bestow
the Father and the Son to know;
and Thee, through endless times confessed,
of both the eternal Spirit blest.

Now to the Father and the Son,
Who rose from death, be glory given,
with Thou, O Holy Comforter,
henceforth by all in earth and heaven.


i) Veni Creator Spiritus.

Monday 14 July 2014

Surat Kuasa berkaitan Terbitnya Bulla Kepausan Konstitusi Apostolik Quo Primum dalam Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia/Bahasa Malaysia[Bagi Kegunaan Gerakan IOC sahaja]

Surat Kuasa berkaitan Terbitnya Bulla Kepausan Konstitusi Apostolik Quo Primum dalam Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia/Bahasa Malaysia[ Bagi Kegunaan Gerakan IOC sahaja]

Hesed we shalom

Saya yang merupakan hamba Allah Maha Kuasa yang tidak layak ini menjemput para saudara dan saudari ku yang terkasih agar berpuasa selama 3 hari bagi yang bekerja dan berbeban berat dan 5 hari bagi yang tidak mempunyai banyak halangan bermula hari esok 15 haribulan Juli/Julai 2014.

Marilah kita sama-sama mengarahkan roh pemberian Allah Maha Pencipta kita sebagaimana Ia yang terlebih dahulu menciptakan manusia pada masa Kitab Suci Kejadian berlaku, kepada doa, puasa, amal kebaikan dan kebajikan, membersihkan sebersih bersihnya roh kita agar kita memampukan diri kita menerimakan mukjizat Allah Tritunggal yang MahaKudus; Satu Allah, dalam arti mendalam di dalam Konstitusi Apostolik Quo Primum yang terkait pasal Hukum Liturgi. Adalah amat jarang bagi Gereja Katolik mengeluarkan Konstitusi Apostolik bagi hal Hukum Liturgi dan kita bercucuran air mata mengasihi pemberian Allah yang Maha Mengasihi kepada kita ini.

Oh betapa Allah yang Maha Baik mengasihani kepada kita dengan mewartakannya secara nyata di dalam Kurban Kudus dalam Misa Latin Tradisional atau Misa Tridentina atau dalam Bahasa motu proprio Summorum Pontificum iaitu Forma Ekstraordinaria(Roman Missal Edisi 1962).
Sungguh Allah Bapa yang Maha Mengetahui bahwa Ia telah mengurapi Bapa Suci kita yang terdahulu iaitu Santo Paus Pius V bagi ia secara rendah hati dan pada masa yang sama dalam Tindakan Apostoliknya telah menetapkan Hukum Liturgi dalam Bulla Kepausan Quo Primum ini.

Ramailah para umat Allah yang suci di Sabah dan juga Sarawak masih tidak mengenal akan tradisi Gereja yang mengandungi Tradisi Suci dalam Misa Latin Tradisional, maka sudah tiba masanya setiap satu dari anggota Gerakan Instaurare Omnia in Christo(IOC), dalam belas kasihan dan penuh kerendahan hati mewartakan Cinta Kasih Allah ke setiap Keuskupan-keuskupan Gereja Katolik di setiap ceruk Sabah dan Sarawak akan Misa Latin Tradisional yang menjadi daging dan darah Gereja Katolik di Sabah dan Sarawak semenjak sejak mula Penginjilan Gereja Katolik bertapak di Labuan dan Kuching pada sekitar tahun 1855 oleh Msgr Don Carlos Cuarteron; Prefek Apostolik yang Pertama.

Misa Latin Tradisional lah merupakan satu-satunya forma bagi ritus Latin yang dirayakan oleh para Pengaku Iman iaitu nenek moyang kita kira-kira sejak 150 tahun yang lampau sehinggalah kepada kedatangan Misa Kudus Missale Roman Paus Paulus VI atau Missale Roman Edisi 1969 atau juga disebut sebagai Forma Ordinaria sebagaimana yang telah didefinisikan Bapa Suci Paus Benediktus XVI pada 7 Julai 2007 yang lepas.

Adakah para umat Allah yang kudus di Sabah dan Sarawak akan mendakapi dan memeluki Cinta Kasih Allah dalam terus menerus mengingat jasa dan pengorbanan para nenek moyang kita yang telah menggunakan Misa Latin Tradisional selama lebih kurang 110 tahun yang lepas? Bukankah mereka merupakan pemula, pendiri, dan batu asas Gereja Katolik di Sabah dan Sarawak. Bagi kita untuk melupakan dan kehilangan Sejarah yang suci, harta yang berharga akan pengetahuan bahwa sungguh wujud pejuang Iman Katolik yang telah mati dan terdiri dari penghuni Syurga Allah yang Maha Rahim?

Ya Allah Bapa Syurgawi,
Perhatikanlah kami yang merupakan generasi baru yang merupakan para pewaris para penghuni SyurgaMu sekarang ini, perlihatkanlah Cinta KasihMu ya Allah Bapa, perdengarkanlah doa dan rintihan kesengsaraan kami, perkuatkanlah iman kami dan tambahkanlah keyakinan kami, dan penuhilah kami akan keteguhan kami dalam mengandalkanMu.

Kami yang benar-benar mengasihiMu sepanjang doa kami, segenap puasa dan amal, pendarasan Misa KudusMu dan Rosario KudusMu, ya Allah Bapa, ya Allah Bapa, tidakkah Engkau mau berada di tengah-tengah kami seperti mana Engkau yang telah menyuapkan para RasulMu, dan para muridMu dengan Tubuh dan Darah KudusMu.

Sungguh Engkau Allah yang telah merendahkan DiriMu menjadi sungguh Allah dan sungguh Manusia dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Biarlah GerejaMu yang Tunggal; Gereja Katolik, beroleh rahmat dari DiriMu sampai selamanya.

Oleh itu,
Marilah juga ya saudara dan saudari yang amat diriku kasihi, menyertakan pengharapan kita dalam mengandalkan Pertolongan Tuhan Yesus Kristus dengan pengantaraan Bunda kita yang amat kita kasihi iaitu Santa Perawan Maria; Bunda Allah yang suci.

Yang ikhlas,
Yohanes Paulus Yosef Nicholas.
Gerakan IOC.

Most Precious Holy Blood of Lord Jesus Christ - Part 1: Miracle of the Most Holy Eucharist in Lanciano.

Most Precious Holy Blood of Lord Jesus Christ - Part 1: Miracle of the Most Holy Eucharist in Lanciano.

When your death is near, you'll have no taste in doing evil anymore and didn't bother too much on the people that mocking you, for you: making good things towards those needy people are your final resort.

You'll feel a great 'emptiness' but only One will reign in your remaining life. Your appetite will loose themselves from your body, and your mind will remember your very deeds while you're living. You will find that you have a very little time to atone and you'll ask forgiveness for every single things, and try your best to compensate a damage or evil that you've done. You will feel that you are now numb with the evilness and desperately wanting freedom in a Mercy and Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Only Church; the Catholic Church.

Such is the grace where you are given that most precious moment, but strictly limited in time, in order to cleanse yourselves. How great is the Mercy and Compassionate of our Lord God who has cleansed us with His own Holy Blood as the Holy Sacrifice. O how His great Charitable-Love striking us into the deep of our soul. It is very piercing, it is very sharp, for now the Truth; the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, is reigning over us.

Therefore, this last 'preparation' is in order to prepare yourselves for Final Judgement. Remember that those who deserve the Tree of Life is who has washed their robes in the Blood of Lamb.

"He that hurteth, let him hurt still: and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is just, let him be justified still: and he that is holy, let him be sanctified still. Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to render to every man according to his works. I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
~Holy Book of Revelation, Douay Rheims Catholic Holy Bible.

O Lord Jesus Christ who has offered Your Holy Body and Holy Blood to the Catholic Church as the Lamb of Holy Sacrifice. We are grateful that only your holy priests have excruciating pain in seeing Your Holy Blood but their eyes deceiving them by showing You as a mere wine after the Consecration. It is more than we could able to sustain of our strength to see You not in the Most Holy Body of Yours, hide not from our unworthy eyes O Lord God who is Most Almighty and Most Merciful. Your Words soothing our pain for You are slow to anger and very Fast Forgiving our sins especially in seeing You as just bread but not You.

Who will offer a Requiem Holy Mass for us O Lord God, if You strike us according to our sins by withdrawing good and holy people from our lives?
Who will ask for our soul's reparation if no one remembers us and be merciful to us; by sending our name to the holy priest of Your Catholic Church, if You harden the heart of those who is straying from One True Faith?
Who will celebrate the Holy Mass if You destroy the line of priesthood that will preach One True Faith; the Catholic Faith, in Your Wrath towards those who had defiled and blasphemed against You from inside Your own very Church?

Once again brothers and sisters,
Make sure your life today and if there is tomorrows for you, is for the preparation for the Day of Resurrection.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Letter on Incoming General Election of Instaurare Omnia in Christo(IOC) Movement in Electing new Supervisor.-Revised Edition

Letter on Incoming General Election of Instaurare Omnia in Christo(IOC) Movement in Electing new Supervisor.-Revised Edition(11th July 2014 at 1.43pm Singapore Time Zone)

Hesed we shalom,
Mercy and Peace,

With regards from the forming of Statutes in governing and administrating this (virtual) Organization, we hope that every members of IOC Movement who has not officially register with IOC Movement, to register yourselves. It is in conjunction with this incoming General Election of IOC Movement in order to elect a new Supervisor as the current Supervisor's Term(1 Year) has been due starting 26th of June 2014 last month.

We welcome everyone of you that have not do so to follow our IOC Movement's Common Law although a Leeway has been granted before, and here is the criteria and direction of how to register yourselves officially with us:

[ a)Name(Full)
b)Date of Birth.
d)Contact no.(Optional)
e)Facebook Account's Link or Twitter Account's Link
f)Blog( If any)

i)Please choose either one, Facebook Account's Link or Twitter Account's Link.

ii) No Anonymous person will be accepted and all details must be verified for each one of them.

iii)Please know that IOC did not ask any fund, donation or any form of activity regarding this kind of thing. IOC is still virtual organization for now with no clear figure, thus, strictly please do not comply with any demands for fund, donation or anythings contributed to this matter. It is declared automatically by IOC as hoax or clearly as Fraud. ]
~Extracted from Official Declaration entitled "Campaign to Promote Traditional Latin Mass in Sabah and Sarawak (Borneo) : "Instaurare Omnia in Christo" ".

Please e-mail it to our Supervisor at

Only those who is a registered members of IOC Movement could have a privileges of voting in every General Election and some other benefits that is fitting according to our Statutory and Communication Law.

Only those who has been officially accepted and installed as one of the members of the Administrators Board could be a candidates for every General Election.
Office of Supervisor should be vacant in order for the General Election to take place. General Election should be held not later than 60 days from the vacant date started.

Sincerely in Christ,
John Paul J.Nicholas
IOC Movement.

i) Official Blog of IOC Movement.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Official Decree regarding Most Precious Holy Blood of Lord Jesus Christ

Official Decree regarding Most Precious Holy Blood of Lord Jesus Christ
1st of July 2014
Prepared by the Office of IOC Movement Supervisor
Instaurare Omnia in Christo(IOC) Movement.

Hesed(Mercy) we(and) shalom(Peace),
In memory of holy martyrs who shed their bloods for sake of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church...

O Lord Jesus Christ, it is very excruciating to see that Your Holy Blood has been covered by the dust; from whom You have made us.
We are just a dust and from dust we will come back. How great is Your Jealous-Charitable Love until You Yourselves who is True God has humbled Yourselves to be True Man. O how painful for us to come to know that Your gesture of showing your Great Mercy and Compassion is shed through Your Holy Blood.

That Holy Hand of Yours has touched us sinners, until now You want to touch us by showing Yourselves entirely in the Holy Blood of the Holy Sacrifice of the Holy Mass.

Even those who is really and truly zealous towards You and Your Holy Law that You have them bend their knees; when knowing the Mystery of Faith contained in the spraying of the Holy Blood on the ground of the Courtyard of the Gentiles and Mount Golgotha. Even those who is fasting fervently, praying unceasingly until their lips have Your Holy Name and full of praises in their heart, and even those who is in the summit of their love, in the peak of their ecstasy mortification, where they are now ceased to be worldly but fully surrendered themselves, will unable to complete their fullest desire and holiest intention in thinking of You and in reciting of Your Holy Words; if they unable to go being as the holy martyrs have did.

We decree today that Instaurare Omnia in Christo(IOC) Movement will seek those who is fragile in heart and weary soul apart from those who is seemed strong. We declare that we launch a Holy Crusade against heresies, hypocrisy, blatant blasphemies and any danger that will harm Catholic Family and Catholic Matrimony.

We define Catholic Family and Catholic Matrimony Cause will be bind in our heart and in every breath of our life as it is to remember Your Creation in creating us as Your mere creation; flesh and blood. Let our children; generations by generations: whose flesh and blood is flowing from us to uphold our Cause. If not, we are deemed like spitting on the Holy Book of Genesis and Holy Gospel.

Catholic Family and Catholic Matrimony is where the Most Holy Eucharist will be made from a very hands of our sons who will be priest in Your Catholic Church. From here also, Bishops will be born; as Bishops are born from every human's womb and once drink milk from the bosom of their mother like a sheep and sheep's mater. Who will consecrate a Bishop if there is no Bishops? Who will know where is Catholic Church if there is no Catholic Bishop. For where is Bishop is, then there is Christ's holy people, and when there is His holy people is, there is Christ in the middle of them, and if there is Christ in the middle of them, then there is Catholic Church with He is being the Head and She is being the Mystical Body of Him. If there is no Bishop, then there is no Catholic Church, and if there is no Catholic Church there will be nobody will be Baptized. For every Baptism is remission of Original Sin and sins, and made us into Catholic Church to attain Salvation by receiving the Holy Spirit. There is no Salvation outside Catholic Church.

Hear O Catholics, that every Baptism is for entering Catholic Church and no Baptism is made to enter another things besides Catholic Church.

Evildoers are trumpeting loud against Highest Heaven and the Most Holy Trinity; One God, please spare us O Lord God in Your anger and wrath against those who is planning and doing war against You through war havoc on Catholic Family and Catholic Matrimony. So sophisticated and hideous they are until they allowed themselves to put innocent people being victim of sins that will destroy Catholic Family and Catholic Matrimony such like Adultery. You have excused us from the Law of Moses by lifting up Marriage not as a mere contract but into the Degree of Sacrament where You Yourselves will fully presence in the midst of Catholic Family and Catholic Matrimony.

Make fruitful O Lord God of our Catholic Family and Catholic Matrimony, and bless them with many children so that there are endless line of priest in line of Melchizedek, never ending line of Mary our Mother, and non extinct line of holy men and women that has made a wonderful Catholic Family and Catholic Matrimony. We do not want to let go every precious things that is precious in Your Holy Eyes. O Lord God, we could not stand strong to face that people who want to breed many more Titular See by making Your holy people become extinct because of wars.

Wars towards You through Adultery; Remarried and Divorce, and Abortion, will face our Holy Crusade and we do not know who will spill their own blood first in order to defend against their(the evildoers) aggression and weapons in order to stop us from talking and fighting for this Cause of defending Holy Family and Catholic Matrimony.

This Decree is effected starting from July 1st, 2014 right on The Solemn Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by the General Roman Calendar of 1962 Roman Missal Edition.

Signed and approved by:
John Paul J. Nick
IOC Movement Supervisor.

Calling out all able body Catholics to be Church Militants

The picture is straightforward and pierce accurately into the hypocrites people.
"... if we restrain this mortal body by voluntary mortification, denying it what is forbidden, and by forcing it to do what is hard and distasteful"
~Mystici Corporis Christi, P. 106: 212
then we could cleanse the current state of our Catholic Church crisis.

Catholics are called to be Church Militants(Ecclesia Militans) despite we are being Church Triumphant and Church Penitent.

IOC Movement inviting any able body Catholic Youth to be the Church Militants to Crusade against heresies, hypocrisy, blatant blasphemies and any danger that will harm Catholic Family and Catholic Matrimony.

For Christ loves His Bride; the Catholic Church, so much even by using His Holy and Precious Blood. How great His Jealous-Charitable Love towards His own Mystical Body; the Catholic Church.

"Moreover, Christ proved His love for His spotless Bride not only at the cost of immense labor and constant prayer, but by His sorrows and His sufferings which He willingly and lovingly endured for her sake. "Having loved His own...He loved them unto the end." Indeed it was only at the price of His Blood that He purchased the Church."
~Mystici Corporis Christi, P. 106: 208-209

[The Church, the Mystical Body, exists on this earth, and is called the Church militant, because its members struggle against the world, the flesh and the devil. The Church suffering means the souls in Purgatory. The Church triumphant is the Church in heaven. The unity and cooperation of the members of the Church on earth, in Purgatory, in Heaven is also called the Communion of Saints.]
~The Basic Catholic Catechism Part 5: The Apostles' Creed IX-XII

i)Mystici Corporis Christi; Encyclical issued by Pope Pius XII on the 29th of June 1943, the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

ii) EWTN

3D Globe Traditional Latin Mass Enthuasiast